Create a custom ISAPI filter or HTTP module through which you can replace the “c-ip” field value with the value in the X-FORWARDED-FOR request header that is being passed from the F5 load balancer in each client request. Solution 2. Use Advanced Logging. This is …

Nov 24, 2016 Ideas to get X-Forwarded-For working for HTTPS/Node If you want to inject the actual source IP as X-Forwarded-For header at the load balancer into an SSL stream then the only way I know is to terminate the SSL session at the load balancer. Some load balancers do support other ways of forwarding the client's IP address, for example prefixing the encrypted packet with the IP. X-forwarded-host not seen by appservices Aug 17, 2018 Client IP Logging in IIS/Apache - Story of X-Forwarded-For

How To Customize NetScaler Web Logging

HTTP header X-Forwarded-For - Citrix Application Delivery

HTTP header X-Forwarded-For - Citrix Application Delivery

NLB + X-FORWARDED-FOR replacing = ADFS validation process May 13, 2015 X-Forwarded-For problem with ports - Apigee Community I'm working with Apigee on-premises and we have upstream infrastructure that is adding a X-Forwarded-For header with "X.X.X.X:port" value. I need to whitelist only specific IP ranges, however the AccessControl policy cannot seem to match any rule when a port number is present, no matter how broad the mask. If a port number is not present, then the AccessControl policy works fine. Of course, we Detection and Location of Real Source Client IPs in Cloud Oct 17, 2010 X-Forwarded-For HTTP Header Data Support in Policy